It’s Pursuit of Happiness Week-Soaking in Your Hot Tub Will Definitely Increase Your Happiness!
November 10, 2010
It’s Pursuit of Happiness Week. Of course, we Americans celebrate the pursuit of happiness. We’re guaranteed the right to pursuit of happiness in our constitution. So many people misread it as the constitution guarantees their right to happiness and walk around miffed that happiness isn’t theirs. It takes some work to figure out what makes us personally happy, but scientists are hard at it to help us.
What does it take to be truly happy and have feelings of joy permeate your everyday life? Six British experts have found what they say are 10 simple steps we can all take to make our lives happy (happier), reports BBC News. The team outlined the “seeds of happiness” in the following 10-point plan. And 7 of these “seeds of happiness” can be done in your Hot Spring Spa! What are you waiting for? Get soaking and you’ll be started on your happiness project today.
1. Plant something and nurture it. A scented garden around your hot tub is a great way to start.
2. Count your blessings—at least five—at the end of each day. I like to count my blessings while I’m in the hot tub. The warm, soothing water inspires gratitude.
3. Take time to talk. Have an hour—or even a half hour—conversation with a loved one each week. What better place than in the hot tub? You’ve heard the Latin saying “in vino veritas” (in wine there is truth)well, in hot water there is truth. Skip the wine until after you’re out of the hot tub. Hard to mask your feelings while you’re soaking and relaxing.
4. Phone a friend with whom you have not spoken for a while and arrange to meet up. Invite them for a dip.
5. Give yourself a treat every day and take the time to really enjoy it. There’s nothing better than a soak in your hot tub as the treat of the day. Remember: It’s not illegal, immoral or fattening.
6. Have a good laugh at least once a year. Ever hear of Laughter Yoga? Try it in the hot tub.
7. Get physical. Exercise for half an hour three times a week. Get in the hot tub after you’ve cooled down from your workout and you’ll see real gains in your flexibility and stamina.
8. Smile at and/or say hello to a stranger at least once a day.
9. Cut your TV viewing by half. Soaking in your hot tub will definitely help with this as well as be a mood elevator instead of a downer. Many of our Olympic Hot Tub Company customers have told me this has been true for them.
10. Spread Kindness. Do a good turn for someone everyday.
Simple things. All easy to do and most start with a good soak in your Hot Spring Spa. Who knew the “seeds to happiness” start in your own backyard?
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health Through Water.
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