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It’s National Rubber Ducky Day!

January 13, 2019

January 13, 2019 – Bath time—and hot tub time—just doesn’t seem complete for many of us without the iconic yellow rubber duck. Today is the day set aside to celebrate our fine floating yellow friend—January 13th is National Rubber Ducky Day!

It appears our good friends on Sesame Street christened January 13th as today for the birthdate of the rubber duck in 1973. By that time, the rubber duck was no stranger on Sesame Street: he made his debut on the show as a friend of Ernie and Big Bird in February 1970.

Peter Ganine, a Russian sculptor, is credited with designing and getting a patent for a floating duck that resembles our famous yellow bath and hot tub companion we know and love. Rubber ducks pop up everywhere today in hundreds of designs, in races, and in toy boxes, bathtubs and hot tubs the world over. Of course, Olympic is a big believer in the rubber duck. We make sure every new hot tub goes out with one, along with a ducky key chain to hold onto the cover locks for the hot tub cover. In fact, some of our customers have taken their Olympic rubber duck on trips around the world. We’ve received several wonderful pictures of our duck in places far and wide.

Being named Donald, I guess fate would have it that I would end up as the owner of a hot tub company!

We have a good selection of rubber ducks in our stores at all times. If you haven’t indulged and treated yourself to a rubber duck, perhaps today is the day to find a new companion for your hot tub. It will always bring a smile to your face and leave you in the best of moods.

Happy Rubber Ducky Day!

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