Is your tub ready for Spring? Here are five things to do right now
February 21, 2020
February 21, 2020 – Hasn’t it been terrific to see the past few days of SUN in the Pacific Northwest? I don’t know about you, but it’s certainly given me renewed pep in my step.
For some of you, it may be that you’re looking at your backyard for the first time in months and thinking about getting things back in tip-top shape. If you have a hot tub, it likely needs some of that attention too! Here are some things to think about that often get neglected when giving your tub a freshening for the season ahead.
- Check your filters. The hardest working component of your tub is often the most neglected. This is the time to assess your filters, replace them if they’re two years old (or older!!), or give them a thorough cleaning so they can keep your water crystal clear and healthy. Cleaning does NOT mean a rinse with the garden hose, by the way. Cleaning means using a good filter cleaner and a tool to clean between the sleeves of your filter thoroughly.
- Clean & condition (or replace!) your cover. Hot tub covers should be replaced every 3-5 years. The length of time you get out of your cover is directly related to the amount of effort you put into keeping it cleaned and conditioned. Clean the underside of your cover with baking soda or Simple Green. Be sure to scrub the seams and the stitching with a Scotch Brite sponge or a toothbrush to eradicate any mildew. Both baking soda and Simple Green will help with deodorizing as well. Clean the outside of your cover with a mild dishwashing liquid. If you have any pitch on the cover, cigarette lighter fluid should help remove it. Once you’ve cleaned the cover thoroughly, condition the exterior vinyl with 303 Protectant. It will help ward off UV damage and keep the vinyl supple. (No Armor All, please!) And—be honest with yourself! If your cover is over three years old, consider a new one. The older it gets, the more waterlogged and less energy efficient it is as well. If you’re tired of replacing vinyl covers and want to upgrade to one that will last and be a much eco-friendlier answer, consider a Smartop. You will love it!
- Drain your tub and refill with fresh water. Nothing is better than fresh sparkling water in your tub. You can “spring clean” your tub before draining by using Clean Start. This fabulous product will purge the plumbing lines and parts of any biofilm and sanitize your entire tub inside out. You’ll know without a doubt that everything has had a good scrubbing.
- Clean your ozone system or replace it. If your tub has an ozone system, this is another part that often gets overlooked in terms of maintenance or replacement. Ozone systems typically last 2-3 years. After that, they no longer produce ozone. Ozone is terrific, as it oxidizes contaminants, helps keep water balanced, and greatly reduces the need for sanitizer. You can check to see if your ozone system is still working by using an Ozone Detection Kit. If it’s still producing ozone, great! Be sure to clean it once or twice a year with vinegar. If no ozone is present, it’s time for a new ozone system.
- Take inventory of your water care products. Nothing is more of a bust than heading out to the tub or getting ready to have friends over and discover you’re out of shock, sanitizer, test strips, etc. Take a look at your core water care product needs and swing by one of our seven showrooms to get what you need. If you’re busy, that’s what our E-Store is for! Did you know we’ve been offering the convenience of online shopping on our E-Store for almost 18 years?? You’ll be confident you’re buying the right products for your tub from a company that’s been in the hot tub business for over 40 years and sells only the best. We have specials each month, fun toys and gifts, great aromatherapy and more. You’ll be able to buy with confidence.
Hot tubbing in the spring to me is one of the best times of the year! With the extra activity we all start doing—yard work, long walks, cycling and more—your body will welcome that hot water rescue. Make sure your tub is ready to be your hero.