Impossible Hot Tub Delivery? Not with a Careful Crew and a Crane!!
July 21, 2010
First the crane lifts the new tub under the wires and over the railing to the deck. Notice the wires being pushed out of the way. The Olympic guys and I were given a brief lecture by the crane operator about which wires are hot and which are not. The ones you see being pushed out of the way by the crane are phone lines – no danger. The low-level ones over the deck are the electrical lines to the house and EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. But, no problem. The crane operator managed it all with as much as an inch to spare – no joke.
Then the process of getting the old Hot Spring Classic model out. The dolly was placed against the side of the tub and the tub was lifted up onto it. BTW, this was the 34” dolly because the regular, 36” dolly wouldn’t fit between the planters embedded in the deck in the side-yard. They’re only 34-1/2” apart. It also probably helped inmaneuvering the tub out through the tight entrance.
Tip it up on the dolly.
Scraping the stairs on one side and pushing the arbor on the other. Not much room to maneuver. Better back it up and turn it.
Then the old tub was carefully lifted down. Again, he had a whole inch of clearance under the electrical line, but he was very good.
If you have what you think is an impossible spot, but long for a hot tub to go there, give us a call.
Impossible? Probably not! Go for it, if that’s where you want a hot tub! Crane deliveries are our speciality.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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