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If the sky is clear for you tonight, take in the eclipse from your hot tub!

November 18, 2021

November 18th, 2021 – One of the best events to view from the warm bubbly waters of your hot tub is up early this Friday morning. The year’s second and final eclipse happens in the wee early hours of November 19th.

Now, let’s be real: it’s mid-November in the Northwest, which means we’re in the midst of days and nights often full of clouds and rain. (At least the craziness of the storms earlier this week are behind us!) Even so, you might live in a pocket where Mother Nature will cooperate and give you a chance to glimpse the night show. The entire west coast will be in a position to get the best view of the eclipse if you’ve got a clear sky.

According to NASA, you’ll have an incredibly long window to view the eclipse. In fact, it’s looking to be the longest eclipse in 580 years—nearly 3½ hours! You’ll be able to get the optimal view of the eclipse at its peak around 1:00 a.m. Pacific Time. By 10:00 p.m. tonight you’ll be able to see the moon starting to pass into the Earth’s shadow. By 11:20, the moon will look like a chunk is missing as it moves into the umbra—the inner part of Earth’s shadow. Give it another hour and a half, and you’ll see the eclipse in its full glory complete with its red hue.

This particular eclipse is considered an “almost” event. Nearly the entire moon will pass into Earth’s umbra—about 99%. Not a total eclipse…but very close!

An eclipse is always a very special magical event to witness in the heavens. BUT boy is it terrific from your hot tub! Be sure you keep your tub’s lights and any other outdoor lighting off during your soak and night show. It will afford you the best viewing. Getting buoyant in a body of hot water outdoors in the peace and quiet helps relax your mind and heighten your senses to really appreciate the eclipse.

If you take advantage of the last eclipse of the year, send us a few pics! We’d love to see them.

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