How To Hot Tub In Hot Weather to Stay Cool
July 1, 2013
Hot Is Cool. Hot Tubbing beats the summer heat. That’s a fact.
Think it’s too hot for the hot tub as this heat wave hits the Northwest?
Think again. If you reduce the tub temperature to 94 degrees – about the same as the surface of your skin – you’ll feel downright chilly. At 99 or 100 degrees, you’ll feel cooler as you can relax long enough for your fingers and toes to reach prune stage.
I’ve been known to read most of a hefty novel while lolling in my Hot Spring Prodigy model, and I get out feeling refreshed, invigorated and very cool. Sustained heating of your body followed by cooling is more refreshing than a shower.
That’s the secret to beating the heat with a hot tub.
Here are my eight tips for safe summer hot tub soaking that will cool you down:
Drink plenty of water before and after soaking. My personal favorite is chilled San Pellegrino, either plain or the delicious new Limonata flavor from my local Trader Joe’s. As always, do not drink alcohol until after your soak. That will dehydrate, depress and overheat your body.
After exercise or work, wait until you stop sweating and your pulse returns to normal before you get into the tub.
Be sure to enter the hot tub gradually and exit slowly. Changing temperature and posture too quickly can make you lightheaded.
If you have your hot tub temperature is set at its maximum safe 104 degrees, you shouldn’t soak more than 15 minutes. At lower summer water temperatures, you can linger longer. Kids younger than 12 enjoy lower temperatures.
Ask your doctor about hot weather hot tubbing if you’re taking medication or have a health condition that might be affected by extreme heat.
Your hot tub cover is off for longer periods, so check your sanitizer levels frequently. For greater convenience and peace of mind, switch to SilkBalance. The treatment gives you smooth soft skin while it balances and preserves water freshness without testing, mixing, or adding a lot of chemicals.
If your extended soak is in bright sunlight, wear sunscreen or a broad brimmed hat to save your skin and hair. Or, get one of our umbrella hats for an especially stylish session.
Here’s a cool idea from the onsen, the bath houses all over Japan. Dip a small towel (called a tenugi) in cold water, fold it up, and place it on your forehead as a cold compress while you relax in the warm water. The cold compress makes your soak even more refreshing. The contrast is sheer bliss.
Fight the hot summer with your hot tub and beat the heat. Relax, have fun, and enjoy yourself.
SANUM PER AQUA. As the Romans said it: Health through water.
Hot Tub in Hot Weather to Stay Cool
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