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How To Get Your Hot Tub Ready for The Holidays

December 10, 2014

Santa with reindeer in hot tubDecember 10, 2014

Get your hot tub ready for the holidays and winter’s cold. Check this list so you can relax.

These opposites attract: cold weather and hot tubs. A soak in your Hot Spring Spa warms you to the bone after a leaf-raking session, a Seahawks game, a visit to Crystal’s snow, or a stroll through the Arboretum.

Take these tips from our Head Service Technician, Reg Akright, to make sure your hot tub is ready for the season.

Stock Up. Check your supply of  shock, SilkBalance and chlorine. Make sure your tub is clean and ready for company. Visit Olympic’s estore for terrific specials on all SeaKlear Spa Water Care supplies on now. Buy SilkBalance and stop itchy skin from harsh hot tub chemicals and automatically balance your hot tub water chemistry. Pour it and ignore it!

Keep Up. Even if you’re not using your tub as often as you do in the summer, maintain your maintenance schedule. Keep the water chemistry in balance and sanitizer levels up.

Fix up. Be sure everything is in good repair, so you don’t go for a soak and find no heat or no jets.  Call the Service Center at 1-800-431-2876 Monday through Friday, for service.

Clean up. Use our liquid SeaKlear Spa Filter Cleaner Spray to improve filter life and efficiency by washing even body oil and lotions from the cartridge filters. If your filters are more than two or three years old, order new ones now at our e-store.

Fill up. Cold, dry weather evaporates water faster than the humid summer, so make sure the water stays above the skimmer line for constant filtration and operational jets.

Check up. Use our Hot Tub Cover Checkup Sheet to check your cover for tears, leakage, or other problems. If it’s too heavy to lift, you’re wasting money on energy.  Install a well-fitting cover in good condition to keep the tub clean and save money. If you need a new hot tub cover, they’re on sale now! Order from Olympic’s Service Center, 1-800-431-2876.

Jazz up. Treat yourself to some special spa upgrades this season for comfort and style. Add a new step, a safety rail, towel rack, cup holders, a floating checkerboard/drink tray.  Check out our estore for the latest hot tub accessories. They all make great gifts.

Heal up. Add some Spazazz Rx Aromatherapy Crystals made to target specific ailments while you soak, with blends for Muscular Therapy; Joint Therapy; Detox Therapy; Respiratory Therapy; Energy Therapy; and Stress Therapy.

And here’s one really hot idea…

Outsource to our valet service.

Why do the time consuming chores when you can call for Olympic’s valet service? Our “get set for winter cleaning” means your hot tub will be completely drained and cleaned; filters cleaned; Silver Ion cartridge replaced; cover cleaned and conditioned; ozone performance checked; and start-up products added. Regular price: $249.      Now  only: $218.00. You can’t beat this service! Call today to get on the schedule 1 800 431-2876.

Welcome winter from the warmth of your spa. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow – you’re immersed in 104° water with jets massaging your muscles.

RES EST SERVAS VOLUPTAS as the Romans said it. Pleasure is a serious business.


Hot Tub Winterization. Attention Snowbirds: 5 Things You Must Do Before You Head to the Sun

Hot Tub Filters: 10 Things you MUST Know to Keep Your Water Clean and Safe

7 Hot Tub Water Care Headaches You Can Eliminate When You Switch to SilkBalance






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