How To Create a Romantic Valentine’s Day Evening at Home – Think Hot Tub!
February 13, 2013

Important announcement: Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day.
And, it’s always February 14th.
If you’re a woman, this is a big “Duh!”
But a shockingly high number of men (67% say studies that study this kind of thing) are unprepared for Valentine’s Day and wait ’til the day itself to think about it. With a little advance planning (guys: I’m talking to you), you can create a memorable Valentine’s Day for your spouse or partner.
Forget the overcrowded restaurant with rushed, bad service. I’ve spent too many Valentine’s Day celebrating at perfectly good restaurants that fell apart with the crush of diners on February 14th. Haven’t you?
Better idea: Create a romantic setting at home with your Hot Spring Spa as the focal point of the evening.
1. Create an Invitation! Leave a Valentine’s Day card for your loved one suggesting a Hot Spring Spa rendezvous.
2. Set the Mood. Light candles, play some quiet music on your ipod and enjoy each other’s company alone under the stars and moonlight in the privacy of your own backyard. Turn on the hot tub lights. Make sure the hot tub is spotlessly clean and the water is perfect. Set the temperature for 102-104 wherever you and your sweetheart like it. Add aromatherapy scents like Spazzaz to your hot tub. Put the towels in the dryer so they’ll be toasty warm when you’re ready to get out.
3. Quench Your Thirst. Drink chilled sparkling water during your soak. You can’t go wrong with San Pellegrino. Hot chocolate is another great choice. Have that great bottle of champagne on ice for after tubbing. The Italian bubbly Proseco is a real treat after a steamy soak..
4. Looking for an aphrodisiac? Skip the heavy meal with too much protein and carbs. Some people swear by oysters, which are wonderful this time of year. But, dark chocolate truffles are your best bet! And Fran’s Chocolates right here in Seattle makes truffles to die for! Eat a few. Savor each one. It doesn’t get any better.
Think Finger Food. Have some yummy treats on hand. Chocolate covered strawberries or bananas are a great treat for hot tub eating. Lately my husband and I have been eating Emily’s chocolate covered fortune cookies. Yummy (!) and you get a fortune to ponder and laugh about.
5. Hand Reflexology in the Hot Tub. Learn a few strokes of this marvelous technique and surprise your Valentine with a wonderful massage.
It’s not the money spent on a Valentine’s Day gift-it’s the thought. A romantic gesture is worth a 1,000 words.
So, think bubbles not baubles. New towels, new fluffy terry cloth robes combined with a new spa scent such as Spazazz. They may not be diamonds, but a simple Valentine’s gift that will signify how much you value your romantic time together.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
What to do in the Hot Tub: Give Your Partner a Hand Reflexology Massage
Hot Tub Together Keeps Intimacy Alive
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