February 23, 2009
In my last post I quoted many parents of teens who had used their Hot Spring Spas as a place to hold meaningful conversations with them. Without the distractions of TV/video games/cell phones/iPods. etc., there is such a powerful relaxation response from the warm water and jets that conversation just flows.
Another major reason that parents of teens get a hot tub, is to know who their kids’ friends are. How many times have you heard: “Mom, I’m off to the mall. ‘Bye!” You respond: “Who’re you going with?” “Friends.” And, they’re out the door.
You don’t know who they’re with.
I’ve had countless wise parents tell me they purchased an Olympic Hot Tub and all of the accessories so their backyard is the center of their teens social life. The soccer team meets there after practice. The Little League team celebrates every win with a soak. After fall football practice, their Hot Spring Spa is a must for aching muscles. The kids celebrate their birthdays with a hot tub party.
It may be noisy for a few years, but they know who their kids’ friends are. That peace of mind is priceless! And, when they grow up, the hot tub and the backyard will be their own special haven.
Teenagers at home? A Hot Spring Spa is the right choice NOW for connection and peace of mind.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for health through water.