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How to Clean Your Hot Tub-A Step by Step Guide to Doing it Right

May 11, 2012

Olympic Hot Tub Head Service Tech Reg Akright at Hot Spring Spas factory April 2013REG’S STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO CLEANING YOUR HOT TUB.

It’s easy to put your hot tub in top condition…thanks to these tips from Reg Akright, Head Service Technician, who’s celebrating 23 years at Olympic Hot Tub. That’s Reg at right in front of the Hot Spring factory in Vista, California.


If you haven’t used your hot tub in awhile, but the water’s been sitting in it, use System Flush to clean out any mold, organic matter or bio-film from the plumbing lines.

To properly system flush your tub, remove the filters turn on the jets and pour System Flush directly into the filter compartment.  Run all jet pumps for at least 45 minutes, open up the waterfall-if you have one on your tub-and turn all valves & levers. Then, turn the jets off and let your tub sit overnight with the power on and circulating pump running. Drain the next day following the instructions on the bottle. Most “icky” stuff hides where you can’t see it. Use System Flush to “detoxify” and remove build-up from normal use.  Restores plumbing and jets to like-new condition.

Let sit overnight and then drain.

Now’s a perfect time to try SilkBalance! It’s all-natural & gives you soft smooth skin after every soak. No testing or mixing or adding anything but SilkBalance and shock. Before you do, add System Flush to your tub and let sit overnight. Most “icky stuff” hides where you can’t see it. Use to “detoxify” and remove build up from normal use.


Unplug 110V spas; turn all breakers off on 220V spas.

Use only shell cleaning agents approved by the manufacturer:  Windex®, SoftScrub®,Alkalinity Increaser (baking soda). For best results, use GelGloss Cleaner® and a Merlin Magic Sponge. GelGloss is thick and effective for removing oils, dirt, and scum from all spa surfaces, plus it won’t scratch. Protects and polishes the spa surface, repels dirt.


Do you see mounds of fine, yellowish powder inside the equipment bay or near the spa, and reddish brown ants about ½” long? If you answered, yes, take action immediately.  Call an exterminator to rid your spa of carpenter ants. Other critters might have nested over the winter. If you see signs of them, call our Service Center 206-431-2876 for the rodent ridding fact sheet before acting!


Clean filters per the directions in your Hot Spring  Owners’ Manual using SeaKlear Spray Filter

Hot tub maintenance service by Olympic Hot Tub and let us do all the work.

Cleaner or SeaKlear Filter Soak.  Spray spa filter, let soak and rinse off. Removes grease, oils and debris that collect on spa filters. Rejuvenates them to top filtering power. The WaterWand™ hand held filter cartridge cleaner is a big help when cleaning, too. Attach to hose; flick the switch. Saves water use by 50%.

Over time the ability of filters to remove oils and fine particles from the water diminishes. Change filters every two-three years for superior water quality and lower chemical use.  Change filters every 2-3 years for superior water quality and lower chemical use.  If filters are clogged, dirty, cracked or pulled away from the base or darker than a manila folder, replace immediately.

If your spa is over 3 years old and you’ve never had new filters, order some today.


When refilling, allow hose to run a few minutes (low pressure is fine), onto lawn or flowerbeds, before putting it into your spa. Avoid nuisance service calls·always feed hose into your filter compartment when filling. This help prevents air locks that stop your tub from heating!

EverFresh® Water Care System Owners:  Change your Silver Ion Cartridge every four months. NOW you’ll receive a new cartridge once a quarter when you sign up for automatic shipment, and save $2.00 on each cartridge! FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the continental U.S. You’ll always have clean water! Call Olympic Hot Tub’s  Service Center today to get started with Silver Ion Home Delivery 206-431-2876 or Home Delivery from our estore.

ACE Water Care System Owners: Don’t forget to clean your salt cell every 90 days. A dirty salt cell will lead to poor water quality.

♥ADD START-UP WATER CARE PRODUCTS. Balance the water. Restart.

Note:  Use only sanitizers approved by Watkins Manufacturing (makers of all brands we sell):  Sodium Dichloride, granular bromine or our proprietary system: EverFresh®.  Do not use tri-chlor (which is for swimming pools), any type of compressed bromine or chlorine, acid or any other than those recommended. Use of anything other than those recommended may void your spa warranty.


Stop into any of our stores for a quick refresher on “how to” OR hire Olympic Hot Tub’s Valet Service for a one time drain, clean and water care lesson Call our  Valet Service 206-431-2876 to schedule.

Now relax in your clean, clean hot tub.

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.


Answers to the Top 5  Hot Tub Service Questions

Hot Tub Chemistry Made Easy

Hot Tub Filters: Everything You Need to Know

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