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How essential is a hot tub right now?

March 26, 2020

March 26, 2020 – Wow…what a roller coaster we’ve all been forced to ride! As everyone tries to safely navigate the changes and guidelines coming at us from every source imaginable, finding a place to escape that’s a safe haven is critical.

Guess where you can find that safe haven? A hot tub.

Through all the information and mis-information out there related to this virus, the bright spot Olympic Hot Tub is grateful for comes directly from the CDC. They report that a properly sanitized hot tub inactivates COVID-19. Hurray! Isn’t it fabulous to know that hot tub soaking can be enjoyed and provide that much needed escape?

Knowing you’re doing everything you can for yourself and your loved ones to ensure safety is trying at best in normal times. With what’s going on right now, you can rejoice in the fact that the hot tub can be the ultimate safe shelter at home.

Are you at home with kids during the school year who are now homebound? Your hot tub can be a respite for you and a treat for them—especially if it’s the reward after getting home school work done.

Are you dealing with extra stress and anxiety from this pandemic? Your hot tub provides a way to purge that stress from your system and release endorphins. Endorphins—your body’s feel good chemical—is a savior during times like these.

I’ve seen many videos and pics of folks working from home. Lap tops, couches, feet up…That may feel okay for a while, but your body is not used to all these positions you’re making it sit or recline in for extended periods. That means aches and pains in places you normally don’t feel them. Guess what? Your hot tub can work miracles on those sore muscles. As I write this, I’m at home on my sofa and I can already feel the extra strain it’s causing on my neck and shoulders. Your hot tub will help alleviate all those weird new aches and pains.

Is all of this causing you to deal with life stress that’s keeping you from sleeping well? Get in that hot tub at least an hour before bed. It will raise your body’s core temperature. As you cool down, it will signal your body that it’s time to rest, and help you fall asleep faster. It can also help you stay asleep, get to REM sleep quicker, and give you a chance to wake up fewer times during the night.

Giving your body a way to handle the stress, anxiety and sleep deprivation caused by what’s happening right now is critical! All three of these impact your body’s immune system negatively. The hot tub will assist with those issues while helping boost your immune system! That’s something every one of us can use right now.

I’ve been in the hot tub business for 25 years this May. I know all too well how many of my customers use their hot tubs to help them manage chronic health conditions. If you want to know how essential hot tub soaking is right now, you could ask one of them! With studies proving that hot tub soaking helps with Type 2 Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, injury recovery and rehabilitation…the list is long! For someone who has a condition or issue like that, the hot tub is not some recreational option—it’s a savior. It helps reduce the need for doctor visits and medication.

If you have a hot tub, I sincerely hope you’re using it every day. If you don’t have a hot tub, I tell you this: everyone deserves one! It will give back to you every single day and provide the safe haven we all would crave anytime a crisis arises.

I hope everyone is being smart, staying safe, and hot tubbing if it’s available to you!



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