How do you relax in a 24/7 world? Take our 24/7 challenge!
September 26, 2018
September 26, 2018 – I don’t know about you, but I just don’t find there’s enough time in a day anymore. There is so much to do, so much going on, and the world around us has evolved into a 24/7 society.
The last few weeks, I’ve had travel, big stuff going on at work, getting back into the swing of things rehearsing for the coming holiday show with the Seattle Men’s Chorus, out of town visitors, started the remodel of our Issaquah showroom, tried to keep regular visits to the gym…whew!
In all this hullabaloo, I let myself slip out of my normal routine of using my infrared sauna every morning. Well, guess what? I awoke this morning with my first cold in nearly a year!
It just reinforced for me that, no matter how busy we all get, we must take time to take care of ourselves and make sure we have the stamina and good health (and maybe the good sense!) to be ready for anything and everything that comes our way.
I’d like to put a challenge out there to everyone who might read or share this: commit to doing something to take care of your health for 24 minutes EVERY day of the week. That’s a 24/7 “take care of me” commitment in this 24/7 world in which we live.
It’s not that hard. The trick is to figure out the time in the day you can make sure it can happen on a consistent basis. If it’s right before you go to bed, make sure you don’t slide and decide to skip it one night! Get out to the hot tub for a pre-bedtime soak or into your sauna for a cleansing session. If it’s right after you get home, when you’re disconnecting from your work day and transitioning to home time, make it happen. For me, it’s in the morning. I’ve been making a session in my infrared sauna part of my morning ritual and taking a book in with me, so I get in some good reading time. It helps me wake up both my body and mind for the day ahead. (When you’ve got a good book in hand, it’s amazing how quickly 24 minutes can fly by!)
Life is FULL. Don’t forget to take the time to fortify your body with good food, good sleep, and a good hot tub or sauna session. You’ll find that you’re so much better equipped to conquer what life throws at you!
Now…It’s 8:16 a.m. as I finish writing this, and I’m hopping in my infrared sauna. 24/7 here I come!