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Hottest Father’s Day Gifts for Your Hot Tubbing Dad

June 13, 2011

Here’s our Olympic Hot Tub Company list of the 6 best hot tub accessories for your hot tubbing dad.  We’ve combined the functional, the fun, the useful and the silly. There’s something for everyone and all make great gifts for Father’s Day!!

6.  An OutCast-the Ultimate Outdoor Wireless Speaker.

Dad will enjoy a party everyday when he owns this speaker. The whole family will experience audio with no boundaries. The OutCast weather-resistant, wireless speaker lets you enjoy rich multi-directional stereo sound throughout your home, in your yard, on your patio, next to your Hot Spring Spa and even on your boat. And, I can tell you, the sound is rich, luscious, full. With broadcast range of up to 350 feet (yes!), this powerful wireless speaker receives transmissions through walls, floors, and ceilings without the hassle of running wires.  Hard to believe, but true!

Come into any of our stores and hear the sound quality of the OutCast.  Bring your own CD to test. Play Enya, Death Cab for Cutie, Bach or Beethoven. Whatever your taste in music, on the OutCast it will be transporting!!

Summer  Special: regularly $850. for the unit with iCast Transmitter. Save $85. when you mention Father’s Day Special. Only $765. Now at all Olympic Hot Tub Company stores. or call the Service Center to order: 206 431-2876.

5. Tru-Test Digital Reader

Specifically developed for gadget loving dads.  The Tru-Test Digital Reader combines the ease and accuracy of AquaChek test strips with advanced digital technology. No guesswork required to interpret color results – just dip a test strip in the family spa, insert in test strip reader and get fast, accurate digital results in seconds, without trying to color matching! Large, easy-to-read LCD screen.  What a relief to know exactly what is right or needs help with your hot tub. A must when you’re vacationing and plan to swim in a pool or hot tub in a hot tub in a hotel. Dad can take the Tru-Test Digital Reader along on vacation with a handful of test strips. He’ll know if that hotel hot tub water is safe!! (Most likely NOT. But wouldn’t you rather he was safe than sorry?)

4.  AQUAREADER-as seen on CBS News.

Every dad knows that trying to read in the hot tub is a challenge. Either the book gets wet or his arms get tired holding it aloft. Print junkies are rejoicing!! The Aquareader offers a stable, buoyant place for books, magazines, and reports while you’re reading in the hot tub. There’s even a built-in cup holder. Reading material stays dry and secure while Dad stays warm and comfortable on cold fall nights sitting upright or lounging with his shoulders at or below water level. Dad may never leave the tub! Warning prune-toes & fingers may result from long soaks….. Aquareader- a must have for every Dad.


Forgo his card game to take a soak? I think not!  Dad can combine his two passions: card playing and hot tubbing. A must for all hot tub parties. These cards are made of 100% plastic, durable and waterproof.  Waterproof cards for fun.


Dad will love this  revolutionary new approach to in-spa music.  He can simply plug in the transmitter into the earphone jack of his i-pod or other MP3 player and he’s good to go!  Waterproof to 3 feet under water for up to 30 minutes. 3 watt full range speaker. Wireless broadcast of up to 100 feet.LED pool light for nighttime operation with on-off control. Battery operated (Batteries not included) .  Order today from Olympic Hot Tub’s e-store while supplies last. This floating wireless speaker makes a great gift!


It’s natural water care the easy way-eliminates all balancing additives, eliminates testing & measuring. Just “Shake and Pour”-once a week for the softest skin and the cleanest, natural bathing water-instantly.

· Simple to use.  No measuring. No testing. Premixed formula; no need to constantly test and measure, No pH, Alkalinity or Calcium hardness needed. Dad can throw all those bottles away! All he’ll need is SilkBalance and a small amount of sanitizer.
· No more dry skin. Feels Great. Dad and the whole fmaily will notice the difference instantly. The water feels softer and will leave your skin silky smooth. No more dry, itching skin after the usual hot tubbing in harsh chemicals. Even if he or other family members suffer from psoriasis or eczema,  it will not irritate  sensitive skin. Dermatologically tested. Safe. Effective.
· No Chemical smell! We can guarantee that Dad would love to NOT smell chemicals when he soaks.
· Pure and Clean. SilkBalance to provides a safe, natural bathing environment in the hot tub.

Dad will thank you for helping him enjoy his hot tub even more. Order SilkBalance today for the best Father’s day gift ever!

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.



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