Hot Weather Hot Tubbing-How to Beat the Heat When It’s Over 80 degrees Outside
July 10, 2012
The weatherman is giving us some hot weather this week! At last. That’s all I can say. It’s about time.
But, whoa!, if you’re like most Northwest denizens, you’re not used to hot summer days. If you’re from sun country, you’ve now lost your coping skills for dealing with the heat.
How to stay cool and enjoy safe soaking relaxation in your Hot Spring Spa? Follow these 8 tips:
1. STAY HYDRATED. Drink plenty of water before and after soaking to stay hydrated. Even if you don’t feel thirsty, drink at least one glass of water after soaking.
2. SAVE ALCOHOL FOR LATER. Avoid drinking alcohol before and during a soak. Alcohol is dehydrating and can cause drowsiness. Enjoy it after soaking!
3. COOL DOWN AFTER EXERCISING. Cool down before you heat up. After exercising, wait until you’ve stopped sweating and your pulse returns to normal before getting into your hot tub.
4. EASY DOES IT. Enter and exit your hot tub slowly. Ease in gradually. Exit carefully. A sudden change in posture and temperature can cause dizziness especially when it’s hot outdoors.
5. WATCH THE TEMPERATURE. The maximum recommended safe temperature for a hot tub is 104°. Soaking time at this temperature should not exceed 20 minutes. For summer, try 102° or even 100° in order to feel refreshed not enervated by the heat. Kids under 12 usually prefer lower temperatures in the summer.
6. KEEP IT CLEAN. Check your sanitizer levels frequently because the cover will be off the hot tub for longer periods. OR, for greater convenience and peace of mind, switch to SilkBalance which balances, preserves water freshness AND gives you smooth soft, skin. There’s no testing or mixing or adding a lot of chemicals with SilkBalance.
7. ASK YOUR DOCTOR. Always check with your doctor if you are taking medication or have a health condition that may be affected by extreme heat.
8. NEVER LEAVE CHILDREN ALONE. Never leave children alone in the tub. Always lock the cover when not in use to comply with new Washington state Health Department regulations.
The most important tip: Have fun! Hot tub soaking is meant to wash away your cares and give you a daily vacation in your own backyard. Leave your worries outside of the hot tub. Did you know that worry is a prayer for what you don’t want?!
Thanks to Nick Brannan of Olympia for our drawing.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through water.
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