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Hot Tubs–Today is Celebration of the Senses Day-Celebrate the Five Senses in Your Hot Tub

June 24, 2011

Hot tub lovers: Today is Celebration of the Senses Day. What? You don’t know this holiday? We’re thinking whimsy here. Why not enjoy it especially when it comes to hot tubbing. People have been stimulating the five senses since the Greeks and Romans but in today’s fast paced technical world many leave us “under sensed”. The five human senses are hearing, taste, touch, smell, and sight; which can be heightened each time you get dressed or undressed!

Summer’s the perfect time to stimulate the senses which will improve your mood. Improving your mood is always a good thing. Here are some quick and easy ways to excite your senses while hot tub soaking:


  • Hot tub with the jets off. If you’re lucky enough to own a Hot Spring Spa, you know that you’ll be able to hear the first. Then you’ll realize that birds are singing and leaves are rustling in the trees. If you’re lucky, you’ll hear an owl or woodpecker.
  • If your hot tub doesn’t have a sound system, consider a floating portable speaker that’s ipod ready to play your favorite tunes while you hot tub.


  • Summer is a time for fresh fruits that are perfect for hot tub snacking. Get your vitamin C, trace minerals and all sorts of anti-oxidants by exciting your taste buds with super-foods: blueberries, strawberries, pineapple.
  • Sip iced tea or chilled San Pellegrino to sharpen your taste buds.
  • There’s always chocolate 🙂


    • If you haven’t planted a fragrant garden for enjoying while hot tubbing, get some Being aromatherapy to add you your hot tub.  Being is the top brand of scents for hot tubbing bliss! Adding Being to the water releases a light natural essence which delivers the individual invigorating benefits of the aromatherapy blend you’ve selected.  It’s exactly like a trip to an expensive spa, but in the comfort and cleanliness of your own hot tub! The 5 Being scents will awaken your sense of smell and create whatever mood you’re looking for depending on your choice: Enlighten, Awake, Uplift, Reflect, Release.


  • Download the Star Walk app for your iphone and watch the constellations and planets from your hot tub.
  • Change the lighting on your Hot Spring Spa. Different colors will change your mood.


  • Close your eyes and feel the jets massaging every muscle. Play with different hot tub jet combinations to stimulate your sense of touch.
  • It’s a good time to try a hand or foot reflexology on your partner.  Experience the perfect touch of water and massage.

So, take advantage of this whimsical holiday and stimulate your senses as you hot tub. Life doesn’t always have to be serious! Happy soaking.

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.

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