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Hot Tubs and Cold Weather: Top 6 Things To Do Before You Soak

November 23, 2010

What’s with this early snow? The Seattle Times says it’s La Nina and we’ve got to get used to it. Let’s do better than that. Let’s enjoy it and make the most of it by going out to the hot tub tonight! If you were wise enough to have placed your Hot Spring Spa right outside a door, you’re in luck tonight. It may takes some coaxing and convincing self-talk to convince yourself to run out to the tub in your bathing suit and jump in. But, once you are there, get ready for a fantastic hot tub soaking experience!

There are 6 things you must do before you go out. Plan ahead for a wonderful hot tub soak:

1. Purchase the Star Walk app for your iPhoneStar Walk is a star gazing app like no other.  Not only can you learn the planets, stars and constellations, Star Walk adds in great features like location awareness. On iPhone 3G and later models using the location feature Star Walk can give a clearly labeled night sky letting you easily identify what you’re looking at. The app also makes use of the compass feature, if your model of the iPhone supports it, and brings up an exact night sky of your current location. Looking up constellations is just a matter of tapping on the star you want and voilà! Your constellation outline comes up on your iPhone. A feature which colors your whole screen dim red so as to preserve your night vision to gaze at the sky is just the perfect touch. Selected as one of the best apps of 2009 by Apple, Star Walk is definitely worth the $2.99 it sells for. See the complete review of the Star Walk app at Macworld.

2. Make some hot Chocolate! That’s the perfect drink for the tub in weather like this. Cold drinks would be too much of a shock to your system tonight. Take the chocolate to the tub in a plastic cup. Don’t use ceramic or glass that might break.

3. Find your slippers from the summer that are buried in the back of your closet. Wear them. This is NOT the time to go bravely barefoot to the tub.

4. Wear a hat-preferably a woolly stocking cap to protect your head from rapid heat loss and avoid frostbitten ears (yes it can and HAS happened!).

5. Heat your terry cloth robe in the dryer to make the transition from your warm house to the tub easier. Ditto your towels so they’re toasty when you get out.

6. Put some extreme weather moisturizer on your face. There are many brands made for skiing and mountain climbing. If you don’t have any on hand, use Vaseline to protect your face from getting over-exposed to the cold. You don’t want those small blood vessels on your nose and cheeks to break from being too cold.

Now, you’re ready. Carefully pick your way through the snow.  Lift the cover, see the steam curling up, climb in, snuggle down into the water and experience that “AHHHHhhhhhhh”.  It doesn’t get any better than this. Try it today or tonight!  I promise you’ll enjoy the sheer sensuousness and luxury like at no other time.

Snow angels at the end of your soak are optional!!  If you do make snow angels, send some photos 🙂

Obviously there are some health conditions that would prevent soaking in these extreme temperatures. If in doubt, consult your physician.

RES EST SERVA VOLUPTASPleasure is serious business.

Thanks for reading Hot Tub Bliss. We hope you went from “Ahhhh” to “A-Ha”! Be sure to ‘Like’ our Facebook Page and follow  Olympic Hot Tub Company and Hot Tub Bliss on Twitter.

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