Hot Tubbless in Seattle? Winter’s The Best Time to Buy!
December 18, 2012
Weather forecasters are warning Puget Sound residents to plan now for a colder, wetter and snowier winter.
With a mini La Nina weather pattern bringing more cold weather to the region-think snow & freezing rain-you’ll want to be prepared.
For the scary stuff on how to cope, go to a new website prepared by King County, the City of Seattle and Puget Sound Energy: Take Winter by Storm.
For the fun way to cope, come to Olympic Hot Tub and really take winter by storm. Are you ready for snow? Install a Hot Spring Spa now and you’ll be set plus save a bundle at our YEAR END CLEARANCE SALE.
1) Ease those tired muscles after skiing. You’ll be skiing a lot more this winter. Don’t miss the fun or overdo on analgesics to cure aching muscles. Soak in your new Hot Spring Spa!
2) Enjoy the outdoors from the unique vantage point of sitting in hot, swirling water. The quiet during and after a big snowfall is so intense you have to be sitting still to appreciate it.
3) Overcome the gloom brought on by too few hours of daylight. Soaking in a Hot Spring Spa releases endorphins-the body’s feel good chemical-that are designed to improve your mood and lift your spirits.
4) Warm up if you’ve lost power and have no heat. Even if your power goes out, you’ll have hot water in your spa for at least a few days. Soak for 10-20 minutes without the jets to warm up if you’re without heat. This really works!
5) Make snow angels after you get out of the tub. Or not. The choice is yours :-).
Winter hot tub soaking brings it’s own joys. Don’t be without the #1 way to cope with a snow storm this winter: a Hot Spring Spa.
Old Confucian saying: The wise person will install his Hot Spring now while the delivery crew can get to his home and save money during our YEAR END CLEARANCE SALE.
SANUM PER AQUA. Health through Water.
Hot Tub Help for Holiday Stress
Hot Tubbing: Outdoors An Important Component of Mental Health