Hot Tubbing Together Keeps Intimacy Alive
February 15, 2011
Here’s a timely thought to keep that Valentine’s Day feeling all year. Hot tubbing keeps intimacy alive. It can be nearly impossible to carve out alone time with your spouse or significant other. Ever had the experience of trying to set up a date with your spouse with both of your calendars open? That may be hard in many two-career busy lives, but almost everyone can make time for a relaxing soak together even if it’s only 15-20 minutes.
It gives you quiet time,” says Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist based in La Mesa, Calif.
“Touching each other in that barrier-free water absolutely increases desire, sexuality and communication,” Mantell says, adding that he often prescribes a hot-tub soak for couples in marriage counseling. “Nobody has an argument in a hot tub. People relax, they laugh, and the playfulness comes out.”
The soothing effects of the hot tub and the hum of the jets allow you to communicate better and enjoy each other. “There’s no other place that has the physiological [effect] of breaking down the social barriers that exist between people,” Mantell says. “It literally relaxes you psychologically.”
I’ve heard from many of our Olympic Hot Tub customers that having a hot tub saved their marriage. Take a tip from hot tub owners and Dr. Mantell: soak in your hot tub tonight to celebrate Valentine’s Day!
Thanks to Pool & Spa News for the interview with Dr. Mantell.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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