Hot Tub With Your Dog? Sorry… Not A Good Idea!
August 26, 2011
Hot tub with your dog? I hope it’s not an everyday thing. Well, you might make an exception for today-it’s National Dog Day-August 26th.
More people have dogs for pets than any other animal. Why? Because they are loving and loyal companions. They treat us better than we treat each other for the most part. Here’s one day to recognize and honor them for their love, loyalty and life saving skills.
Fido here looks peaceful. That’s because he’s in for therapy and this hot tub is kept cooler (in the high 80’s) for his treatments. There’s even another willing participant waiting to jump in. But having your dog in your own hot tub? Not a good idea.
Dogs shed short hair which will clog filters.
There’s also the possibility of pet “germs” and their compatibility with human “germs”. That’s the verdict from your hot tub’s side.
From your pets’ view: dogs have no way to dispel excess body heat except through hard and rapid panting. An overheated dog is a real possibility if he or she shares your 102 or hotter hot tub. Think, too, about the drying effects that chlorine will cause your dog’s skin & hair (if you’re using a chlorine system).
Make your hot tub a “humans only” zone unless you and your dog agree it’s a good thing! If your dog does go in the hot tub with you, send us a photo and tell us what you do to keep the water clean and your dog happy. We’d love to hear about it and pass it on!
Sua cuique voluptas – Latin for Everyone has his own pleasures.