Hot Tub Weight Loss Secrets
April 16, 2012
Almost everyone is interested in weight loss at one time or another. Some of us more often than not. And, we’re all looking for the easy, no pain way to lose unwanted pounds, right? A hot tub can help in surprising ways. Although it’s not a substitute for more exercise and fewer calories, these three tips can help you in your quest for weight loss.
1. Soak in the hot tub before dinner. This tip can really help you avoid calories. See our post on diminishing your appetite by hot tubbing before a meal from January of last year. How about eating less and getting the benefits of exercise at the same time? Guaranteed way to eat less: drink an 8oz glass of water then soak in your Hot Spring Spa for 2o minutes before dinner. You will eat far less because your appetite diminishes after hot tub soaking.
2. Lose weight while you sleep! Hot tubbing before bed leads to a better sleep which helps you avoid weight gain! This surprising news was featured in our post on March 11, 2011. Sleep more and weigh less? Is this true? Sounds like a fairy tale or urban rumor. But, according to research conducted at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, women who get at least seven hours of shut eye a night are getting beauty rest and more. They’re preventing significant weight gain over time. This study found that the likelihood of major weight gain-33 pounds or more-rose 32% for women who slept only five hours a night. These women were also 15% more likely to become obese than the longer sleepers.
3. Do as the Japanese Do. There’s nothing like yu (hot water) to combat the blues and keep the body warm and supple say the Japanese. It’s a daily custom whose pleasure never dims with time. But after learning about the Japanese concept of yu in our post from November 2008 and the concept of considering hot water bathing as a full meal, I’m adding weight loss to my thoughts about hot tubbing! Thinking of hot tubbing as the equivalent of a full meal is a great way to avoid calorie overload.
Any readers have other hot tub weight loss tips? Do share in the comment section!
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
Hot Tub Relaxation Exercise for Added Benefit from Your Hot Tub Soak
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