Hot Tub Water Care In The Snow
January 23, 2012
Snowbound and want to use your hot tub? We won’t soon forget the snows of January 2012. But Olympic Hot Tub customer, Susan Martin, can remember the snows of last year! She sent me an email about her new Hot Spring Spa Jetsetter model-our best selling 2-person model.
Why was snow the inspiration? If she had been maintaining her hot tub the old way-with testing, mixing and adding all sorts of chemicals, the cold weather would have been an excuse for letting the tub slide! She would have been uninspired to use her tub thinking of all that needed to be done to it before a relaxing soak.
Or, she would have been so busy maintaining her hot tub, she wouldn’t have had the time to write!
Now with the simplicity of SilkBalance water care, she’s spending her time soaking and relaxing-not taking care of the water.
Susan wrote:
I have been a Olympic Hot Tub customer since 1994. During all of those years, we struggled off and on with the chemicals and keeping a perfect balance. We just purchased a Hot Spring Jetsetter in August … and are using the Silk Balance program and we LOVE it!
It is so easy to use. I do all the maintenance now and it is a breeze. At first I was a little leery of the cost of the product but it is worth every penny.
Our tub is always pristine and in perfect condition. Thank you!
Susan Martin
Hot Spring Jetsetter Owner
Olympia, WA
Through good weather and bad, SilkBalance takes the work out of relaxing. That’s why every hot tub sold by Olympic goes out with SilkBalance. No other company helps you take it easy and makes it easy like Olympic.
Take Susan’s advice, SilkBalance is worth every penny! There’s a money back guarantee. Why not try it for yourself? Thousands of hot tub owners have switched to easy, natural care that gives them freedom from harsh chemicals and soft, smooth skin.
Now it’s your turn to relax!
RES EST SERVA VOLUPTAS. Pleasure is serious business.
7 Hot Tub Water Care Headaches You Can Eliminate when You Switch to SilkBalance
Hot Tub Tips for Winter-8 Ways to Prepare for Winter Hot Tubbing
Hot Tub Winterization. Attention Snow Birds: 5 Things You Must do Before You Head South