Hot Tub Water Care Has Come a Long Way-SilkBalance is Amazing Says Happy User
December 22, 2010
Here’s an email I received last week from a new Olympic Hot Tub customer. The good news is that he loves the easy care of SilkBalance. The sad news is that he was without a hot tub for 15 years because of the difficulty of keeping the water clean and clear!
Read on:
Dear Olympic: We recently purchased a Freeflow TriStar Hot Tub from Olympic Hot Tub Company. At two previous residences we had a hot tub and actually removed our last one nearly15 years ago because it was just too much work to keep the tub and water clean. We are amazed at how far things have come since then. With minimal effort our tub and water are always sparkly clean. The addition of a small amount of SilkBalance once a week is a major reason why our tub is always clean, clear and ready for the next soak. Thank you!
Gregg May
Freeflow TriStar Hot Tub
Gig Harbor, WA
Thanks to Gregg for writing and sharing his experience with SilkBalance. I hear from so many hot tub owners that they are about to give up or have given up on the hot tub because of the difficulty of maintenance. But that’s all over!
SilkBalance to the rescue! If you’re not using it in your hot tub, stop the hassles and join the clean water revolution. Easy, easy care. Soft Smooth Skin. Fall in love with your hot tub all over again. There’s nothing else like it.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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