Hot Tub Water Care Goes “Green” with SeaKlear
October 12, 2009
Most people think of their Hot Spring Spas as alternative/ therapeutic vessels for wellness. The last thing they want to think about is soaking in a vat full of chemicals.
In the last two years at Olympic Hot Tub Company we’ve made an effort to ‘go green’ with all of our water care products.
“Green” Water Treatment Program
Water care and water quality are central to our being green. Our major product line was selected after extensive research to support our green philosophy: SeaKlearSpa water treatment products-especially formulated for spas NOT swimming pools. Big difference! Hint: Take a look at that bottle of dry chlorine you’re currently using for your spa. If it has a formula starting with “calcium’, it is WRONG for your spa! replace it immediately and use only a compound with the words “sodium dichlor” in your spa.
We chose SeaKlear for many reasons:
1) SeaKlear’s product line is manufactured right here in Washington state-so we are buying locally to reduce our carbon footprint i.e. reduce the amount of transportation required to get the product (not to mention freight savings which we pass on to you-the end user).
2) One of the best sellers in the line: SeaKlear Spa Natural Clarifier is made from recycled crab and shrimp shells. The clarifier uses waste products from the Seattle cannery industry that would have otherwise been dumped into Puget Sound. SeaKlear purchases this ‘waste’ and uses it to create its clarifier. Brilliant!
3) The bottles used by SeaKlear are recyclable-and we help YOU recycle by taking back your bottles at the store. We GIVE you a dollar back for each returned bottle-helping to ensure the bottles are recycled.
4) All SeaKlear products are made in the USA- so we don’t have any safety issues. We are hearing that chemicals purchased at Big Box stores have ingredients from other countries where there is a appalling lack of quality control-especially with ” spa shock” products. Customers have come in complaining about new skin irritations and problems as a result of using these “spa shock” products made in China.
5) SeaKlear is easier on your wallet because it is priced lower than “national” brands.’ This price advantage along with the fact that SeaKlear is made from recycled waste products -make it a terrific choice for consumers. And, it’s also easier to use and easier on your skin than other brands.
So you can see why we switched to SeaKlear!
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.