Hot Tub Water Care Getting You Down? Try No Hassle SilkBalance Natural Water Care for Hot Tubs and Spas
June 4, 2010
Can’t get your hot tub water balanced?
Tired of the hassle? How many years have you been struggling to get clean, clear water? Read the following from James Decker of Bainbridge Island, Washington. He’s solved his hot tub water problems for good:
Dear Olympic Hot Tub Company:
I have spent over two years trying to get the water quality right in my hot tub. With the help of Val Miller and Caleb Husong at your Dexter Avenue store, I finally have the beautiful clear water I have been seeking. They encouraged me to try the SilkBalance system. I was ready to try most anything, but I was skeptical. I am happy to report that SilkBalance is everything they said it would be. The Silk product has finally solved my water care problems. It is balanced and it is clear. It is a joy to jump into! Silk Balance has made a huge difference in the enjoyment of my hot tub. Silk is easy to use and reduces the time needed to care for the hot tub. Thank you for help and leading me to SilkBalance.
James Decker
Bainbridge Island, Washington
2007 Hot Spring Spa Aria owner
What are you waiting for? Order SilkBalance today. It’s available at all Olympic Hot Tub Company stores or online at our our estore. Simple to use. No hassles, no odors, no dry skin, no testing, no measuring just perfectly clear, clean water every day. Hot tub bliss in a bottle!
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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