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Hot Tub Therapy Helps Combat Effects of Type 2 Diabetes

November 12, 2012

Hot Tub Therapy has found to be useful in controlling Type 2 diabetes.  That’s welcome news for the millions of Americans who are diabetic.

According to the American Diabetes Association, over 15.7 million Americans are diabetic.  More people are being diagnosed as diabetic every day! Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes, accounting for 90% of cases.  It’s a disorder in which the body is not able to make enough insulin or to properly use insulin to turn the glucose in food into energy.

Having Type 2 Diabetes does not mean that it’s the end of the world.

When you learn how to manage Type 2 Diabetes, you can  live a healthy and happy life.

Since November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, I thought it would be a good time to shine a spotlight on a serious disease that leads to potentially life-threatening complications such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, and possible amputation.

Studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine have given new hope to the millions who suffer from diabetes. “Hot tub therapy” helped a group of Type 2 diabetics reduce their blood sugar levels and improve sleep patterns. (If I had Type 2 diabetes, I’d take those improvements for starters, wouldn’t you?)  Hot tubbing was judged beneficial because the effects of partial immersion in a hot tub simulate the beneficial effects of exercise.  Physical exercise is recommended for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Soaking in a hot tub was found to be beneficial for Type 2 diabetes according to an independent study done by Dr. Philip L. Hooper at the McKee Medical Center in Loveland, Colorado. He studied a group of Type 2 diabetes patients for three weeks. The patients were required to soak in a hot tub for thirty minutes a day, six days a week, for the duration of the study. (I’m guessing that this was not a hardship!).Order the Ace Salt Water Sanitizing System and bring the ocean to your hot tub!

The results were astounding! The patients’ average blood sugar levels were reduced by an average of 13 percent. Hooper also explained that one of the subjects was able to reduce his daily dose of insulin by 18 percent after only ten days of the study.

In reference to these findings, Dr. Hooper and others state that hot tubs are especially helpful for patients who are unable to exercise, and recommends that hot tub treatments should be included as regular therapy for patients with diabetes.

Important Note. It is highly recommended that those with diabetes consult with their physicians prior to beginning hot tub treatments.

If anyone you know has diabetes, please share the good news about hot tubbing and help for Type 2 diabetes.  It’s an all natural, feel good therapy that can be of tremendous benefit at a low cost.

If you have Type 2 diabetes, ask your doctor for a prescription for a Hot Spring Spa. It can’t hurt to ask.

If you’ve been using your hot tub and found improvement in your Type 2 diabetes symptoms, share the good news.  Post a comment and let us know how you’re doing.

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.


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