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June 14, 2009

To create whirled peace in your life, consider adding a hot tub soak to your daily routine.  You won’t call it a “routine” every again.  It’s the one thing you’ll use day after day, week after week. We saw many Olympic Hot Tub owners at our warehouse sale yesterday who told us how much they enjoy their hot tubs 10, 15 and 20 years after purchasing.  Their enjoyment hasn’t diminished from the first day they installed it and that first soak.  Surveys have shown that Hot Spring owners use their spas 3-5 times a week on average. It is the ONE spa brand that gets used because of the no noise operation, low operating costs and easy care. It’s always hot, always clean, always ready when you are. So, of course, it gets used and enjoyed!

To maintain your sanity In this busy world, it’s a must to have a place that’s a sanctuary from cell phones, email and news.  It’s easy to get side-tracked by trivia and the overwhelming glut of information that comes our way everyday. There’s nothing better than taking a daily hot tub dip to refresh, renew and get you back on track towards what ever is most important in your life!

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SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.

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