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Hot Tub Salesman with Eczema Couldn’t Soak Until He Used SilkBalance!

December 13, 2010

My guest blogger today is Brandon Jones, Sales Associate in our Everett Olympic Hot Tub store.  Brandon had (that is past tense..) a skin condition called eczema.

At Olympic every sales person is asked to try all of the Hot Spring Spas in the store so they’ll be familiar with the seating and feel of each one. How better to help a customer decide which one to choose? But with his eczema, Brandon had a real problem.  Every time he soaked his skin would get red & itchy.  As a successful hot tub salesman AND avid marathon runner, Brandon was missing what hot tub soaking could do for him and his customers until we as a company switched to using SilkBalance in all of our hot tubs and included it with every sale.

Here’s his story:

“Eczema, even the name sounds awful. Growing up with the condition I found out how tricky it was to adjust my life to avoid the painful and embarrassing presence of it.

And sadly, one thing I had to avoid was hot tubs.  Even as I embarked on my career with Olympic Hot Tub five years ago, I was advised not to use a spa too frequently because of the irritation that would always follow a soak.

About the only solution at that time was to literally coat myself with pharmaceutical lotions, which not only is costly but greasy and messy and would only sooth what was already itchy and red.  So when I was told to I had to go through “training” and sit in each spa, I was a little scared.  What I was surprised to find was with the Everfresh ozone equipped in each Hot Spring Spa, the level of chlorine was cut to a level that I could comfortably use the spa without any major redness or itchiness.  Still, slight flares would occasionally come and I was left looking for my lotion.

But then I caught word that we were going to introduce SilkBalance to all spas sold by Olympic. Needless to say I was more than curious to see what the fuss was over.  It was obvious what the balance side of the name stood for.  I was already trained on how it was completely simple (just 2-4 ounces a week) and didn’t require weekly testing.  But the silk in the name had me wondering, so I boldly took the SilkBalance test.

And to be honest, it was unlike any spa experience I’ve ever had.  The water was softer and made my skin smoother after toweling off.  Even hours after leaving the spa I didn’t get the slightest bit of irritation.  Since then I gladly “test” new spas as soon as they’re heated, knowing in full confidence my personal curse of eczema won’t bother me.  And that alone is enough to give me ease of mind while soaking.  And to recommend it to everyone who owns a hot tub!!”

If you suffer from dry skin, eczema or any skin condition that keeps you from enjoying the benefits of hot tub soaking, your troubles are over.  See the hundreds of testimonials on our website from hot tub owners who had all but given up on their hot tubs!  SilkBalance got them back into the hot tub made soaking a real joy all over again.

Isn’t it time you tried SilkBalance? Imagine what it will do for your skin if you don’t have skin problems. My husband and I use it in our Hot Spring Prodigy and my skin has never been softer or felt better. I still have a full bottle of Kiehl’s Creme de Corps that I bought 2 years ago as winter temperatures made my skin so dry I couldn’t use the hot tub.  Now, I’ve saved a lot of  money on expensive creams and like Brandon I can truly enjoy my hot tub!

Thanks for reading Hot Tub Bliss. We hope you went from “Ahhhh” to “A-Ha”! Be sure to ‘Like’ our Facebook Page and follow  Olympic Hot Tub Company and Hot Tub Bliss on Twitter.


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