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June 30, 2009

I just received the following email from a happy Hot Spring spa owner. When I met her at a luncheon two weeks ago, she told me how much she loved her hot tub and how much benefit she’d received from soaking. She never misses a day. Now the only time she has to take pain pills for her back pain is when she’s traveling and doesn’t have access to a hot tub. Read her story:

Hi Alice: It was nice to meet you at the GSBA luncheon. I just wanted to tell you how happy I am with my Hot Spring Prodigy model hot tub. I had heard from a friend who suffered from back pain that a hot tub was the best thing he ever purchased. I have a birth defect in my spine and as I’m aging my vertebrae is deteriorating and so causing very serious pain. I’ve been to pain doctors and surgeons – the pain doctors could only help so much and surgery is out of the question. Since I had to take a pretty good dose of a narcotic pain killer (which made me ill) to help me sleep, I could not imagine a hot tub could help me at all. However, I finally did purchase the hot tub and can’t tell you how happy I am. I use the tub every night and it relaxes me so much that I don’t have to take pain killers at all to fall asleep. I hardly can believe it myself. Now the only time I need pain medication is when I’m away from my hot tub when traveling.

I want to especially thank Don Riling, Olympic Hot Tub Company Sales Manager, for his patience in urging me to make a purchase. He stuck with me for several years before I finally bought one. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself, why didn’t I do it sooner?!


Mary Klein, Seattle WA

Thanks to Mary for writing. I’m always glad to hear from happy customers, but the specifics of her particular story about ending her back pain by soaking in her hot tub is of such use to others.  The amazing thing, too, is that she was willing to try the hot tub. I know so many people who are in pain 24/7 but learn to “live with it”. They can’t imagine not having it. The pain becomes part of their personality. There’s a lot of fear connected with giving up pain and I applaud Mary’s ability to take action to end hers.

Back pain is the #2 reason that people in the U.S. go to a doctor (after colds & flu).  If you or someone you know suffers from severe back pain, wouldn’t it be worth it to try a hot tub at home?  If the pain is diminished and you need less narcotic pain medication, wouldn’t you consider that a real victory?!!

We offer free test soaks-take a test soak late in the day to see if it diminishes any pain you have. Worth a try? I’d say so!

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.

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