August 7, 2009
I love getting letters from hot tub owners about their experience with SilkBalance! Here’s one I received this past week from an Olympic Hot Tub Company Hot Spring Spa owner:
Dear Alice:
I really enjoy using SilkBalance in my hot tub. I use it regularly and it is so easy and convenient to use. Once I have everything set up with the proper ph balances and such, I just add it and it takes care of the rest. I really appreciate that. Although that is the main reason I made this purchase, I am also pleasantly surprised at how good it makes my skin feel. It just seems to help keep the water crisp and clean. My hot tub is a Vanguard model and I enjoy a soak almost every day. Thank you so much, Richard G. Freeman, North Bend, Washington
Thanks to Richard for writing. His letter is particularly interesting because he mentions that he purchased SilkBalance for the convenience, but an additional benefit that surprised him was how good his skin felt after soaking. SilkBalance is great for convenience and soft skin, but best of all is the clean, crisp water. I use it in my own hot tub a Hot Spring Prodigy model.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.