Hot Tub Owner Raves About SilkBalance Natural Water Care: “It’s So Easy To Use And Eliminates Guesswork”
September 1, 2009
It was great to open up my email today and find this SilkBalance testimonial from an Olympic Hot Tub customer. Read what she has to say:
Dear Silk Balance:
I am very pleased with the Silk Balance for the hot tub. As a senior hot tub user it is so much easier to use. I love not having to check the pH anymore. I always had trouble getting the pH just right so I am very excited about a one step chemical that does it all. I love the hot tub and use it several days a week. What a great improvement!!!
Shirley Alm
Puyallup Wa
Model–05 Bengal, Tiger River Spa
Thanks to Shirley for writing and sharing her story. Testimonials like hers are rolling in. Our customers’ enthusiasm for SilkBalance is unprecedented. In my 32 years in the hot tub industry, I have never seen anything like it. It really does work. Not only does it save time and eliminate guesswork, the resulting cleaner water and soft skin make this product a lifesaver. The environmentally safe aspect can’t be overlooked either. It’s all natural and won’t harm plants or pets. And, anything that encourages increased use of your Hot Spring Spa should be investigated!
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.