Hot Tub Owner Loses 54 Pounds in One Day-You Can, Too
February 15, 2010
Hot tub owner writes: I Lost 54 Pounds in ONE Day. . . . You can too!
We’ve got a Jetsetter- one of the smallest spas that Hot Springs makes. Our 5 year old cover had started to become a bit of a wrestling match each time we went to flip it open.
It was also beginning to harbor some nasty odors, which we suspected were mold or mildew. Even after a water change out, the smell from the cover just didn’t seem right. So, time for a replacement!
I’m not a particularly big guy, but wrestling our 5-year-old cover
off the spa, across the yard and into the car was quite an
interesting challenge. I was surprised to find it weighed in at “only” 87 pounds. It sure felt heavier than that in transit- I suppose it was just awkward trying to carry it because of its shape and size. Very glad there was no one around to take pictures during that process. Although, had there been, they could have helped carry the beast!
When I picked up the new Sunstar cover from the Olympic Hot Tub Company Tukwila Service center, Chris helped put it in the car. He also spent a generous amount of time answering my questions about proper cover and water care.
I was amazed at how light the new cover was, and weighed it upon arrival at home. The new cover weighed just 33 pounds- more than 50 pounds lighter than the monstrosity it replaced! It was a dream to carry around the back of the house and to the spa.
The new cover was a breeze to install and I’m amazed at the difference it’s already made. The start of a soaking session is no longer a wrestling match- the new cover can be lifted with one finger instead of a clean and jerk weightlifting effort. There’s no smell other than
the fresh water revealed with the cover opened, and water beads on the top- something I don’t remember seeing for years.
We’re looking forward to many years of enjoyment from this new Sunstar cover replacement!
Craig Weindling
Bothell, Washington
2004 Hot Spring Jetsetter Owner
Thanks for writing, Craig! If you need a new cover, call the service center today! 206 431-2876
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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