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Hot Tub Noise

May 16, 2011

The latest news from the Mayfield Heights, Ohio Police Department’s Police Blotter:  “Hot Tub Not Relaxing for Neighbor.”  A  Genesee Avenue resident called police at 12:57 a.m. May 6 because a neighbor’s hot tub kept coming on every few minutes and keeping her awake, even with the windows closed. Police talked to the hot tub’s owner and it was shut off for the night.

So? What about the next night and the days and nights to follow? Unless the owner of the hot tub turns it off permanently, her life will be filled with noise pollution forever.

Did you know that hot tub noise is one of the biggest complaints made to elected officials? That’s right. The majority of hot tubs are on timers that come on during the night to filter & heat the hot tub. These hot tubs are typically built with 2-speed pumps or a single pump. When the pump comes on, it’s like a car engine idling a few blocks away or grinding sound. In a quiet suburban neighborhood, that sound carries over many blocks at night. Especially when the weather is nice and people sleep with their bedroom windows open, hot tub noise keeps may people awake.

If you own one or live near one, you’ll know exactly what I mean. A neighbor 4 houses and a ravine away from our bedroom window has one of these noise makers. No more sleeping with the bedroom window open! The noise was so loud & annoying I was awakened many a night until I got ear plugs and used them.

Hot tub shopping? Here’s are some tips to avoid getting stuck with a noisy tub:

1. Listen for the silence. When you walk into a hot tub showroom, ask to hear what each model sounds like when turned on the heating & filtering mode.  If no models are filled with water, that’s a really bad sign that the hot tub are noisy and will grate on your nerves.

2. Thinking of buying a hot tub online? Noise conscious? Without being able to hear the hot tub before you buy, your chances are 100% that you’ll be stuck with a noisy beast.

3. Thinking of putting your hot tub on a deck or a condo balcony? If a deck is your preferred spot, a noisy hot tub will also cause a lot of deck vibration which will amplify your noise problem.

There’s only one hot tub that is engineered for no noise when heating and filtering.  That’s a Hot Spring Spa. In fact, Hot Spring Spas filter all of the water 24/7 by means of a no-noise circulation pump which uses less energy use than a 40-watt light bulb. It’s the only hot tub you dare put on a deck or next to a bedroom window. It’s called the “good neighbor hot tub” because it won’t annoy your neighbors!

Save your sanity. Keep peace with the neighbors. Hot tub shopping? Put a Hot Spring at Olympic Hot Tub Company at the top of your list.

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.

Thanks for reading Hot Tub Bliss. We hope you went from “Ahhhh” to “A-Ha”! Be sure to ‘Like’ our Facebook Page and follow  Olympic Hot Tub Company and Hot Tub Bliss on Twitter.




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