Hot Tub Myth #1 “We’ll Buy It and Never Use It”
March 30, 2012
“I just got out of my hot tub and I wouldn’t give it up for a million dollars. It does so much for me.”
— Customer e-mail
“We’ll buy it and never use it.”
Look, we’re not talking about a stationary bike or rowing machine here. Hot tubs are not only healthy, but they’re healthy relaxation – you can sweat without working up a sweat. Your hot tub will not gather dust. According to surveys most Hot Spring Spa owners soak at least three to five times a week – many of them as part of the daily routine.
Wake-up Call. The best part of waking up is you in your hot tub. You can take your coffee with you and listen to the day waking up around you. One leading Seattle surgeon schedules a 5 a.m. soak to center himself for the day in his hot tub before hours of surgery.
Commute Clean-up. A stop-off at the hot tub between pulling into the garage and greeting the family can rinse off your stress and make the homecoming happier.
Home Work Ends. If you work where you live, what better way to break the day than reward yourself with a refreshing dip? Leave your “office,” walk to the backyard tub a world away from work, and come “home” ready for a relaxed evening.
Weather or Not. Who’s afraid of a little Pacific Northwest rain when you’re already soaking in your Hot Spring Spa? Let the rest of the world enjoy some water, too. And it’s fun to relax in the one warm backyard spot when you can watch the snow fly and maybe jump out to make an angel.
Heart of the Party. Barbecues, family reunions and other backyard get-togethers flow better with a hot tub. You’ll make a splash with the neighbors.
Family Room. Why settle for dry family time when you can add water to your conversations, entertainment and just relaxing together? Hot tubs are guaranteed good, clean family fun.
Tub for Two. Many couples schedule date in the warm water for an intimate heart-to-heart alone together.
Sweet Dreams. A hot tub soak just before bed eases your muscles and joints, raises your body temperature, and relaxes you all over, so you fall asleep fast and enjoy a good night’s rest.
Never use your hot tub? Considering the choices, when would you ever not use it? One soak and you’ll join our Olympic Hot Tub Company Hot Spring owners who say: “This is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself! Why didn’t I do it sooner?”
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
Buying a Hot Tub? Smart Shoppers “Try Before They Buy”
Dreaming of a Hot Tub? 5 Reasons to Convince Your Family that a Hot Tub’s a MUST Have
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