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Hot Tub in the Dark For Maximum Relaxation!

October 23, 2010


Dr. Jeromone E. Garanato, Medical Director of the Coranary Care Unit of Allegheny General Hospital and author of “Living with Heart Coronary Heart Disease” has a wonderful suggestion: take a bath in the dark! I know he meant bath as in bath tub, but think of the benefits of hot tub soaking in the dark.  Dr. Garanato says that hot water plus silence and no visual stimulation equals relaxation. He recommends breathing deeply and letting your mind wander to pleasant thoughts.

Most hot tubbing is done outdoors at night. Being in the dark in the natural world adds a deeper level of relaxation than ordinary bath tub soaking. Hopefully you’ll have a Hot Spring Spa, the ONLY hot tub with no noise operation. Only with a Hot Spring will you experience complete silence even while the tub is filtering and heating. If you don’t own a hot tub yet, this is a critical point. All other hot tubs have either a 2- speed pump that rumbles and vibrates 24/7 or a 1-speed pump that comes on periodically shattering the quiet.

After you’ve let the jets have their way with your stiff neck and shoulders, turn them off.  Turn off the lights. Close your eyes. Let the utter stillness and hot water rejuvenate you. A deep sense of gratitude will be your only thought: “It can’t get any better than this.” And, for those of you who suffer from pain, the relaxation will lessen your suffering. I guarantee it!

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.

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