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February 2, 2009

Being a big fan of the New York Times-All the News that’s Fit to Print-I read the story in Friday’s edition about putting a hot tub in a vacation home with baited breath.  Most of their points were right on.  Especially: to keep the hassle factor at a minimum, find a good dealer who you can count on when you’re not there.  The same goes for a hot tub in your primary residence.  A good dealer will make all of the difference.  One thing really concerned me. A dealer in Napa Valley, California (who sells Sundance Spas) said that the monthly cost to heat was $75-$80. which may be true for his brand.

We have monitored and have excellent data for Hot Spring Spas which average under $20. month kept hot 24/7. Even allowing for the high electricity rates in California -double, I’m told, over those in the Seattle area-that would make his spas double the cost of owning a Hot Spring.  (Ours are $20; electricity rates are double there making it $40..but $80 makes it double the cost to operate). Not good math.  He also said that most people turned them down while they were away and turned them back to temperature when they returned to their second home on the weekend.  Not so for Hot Spring owners.  Olympic Hot Tub recommends  keeping a Hot Spring Spa at the desired temperature so it’s ready for you to enjoy the minute you reach your second home. What bliss! It’s the most energy efficient way to operate a well-insulated spa with an energy saving cover which is what Hot Spring Spas have.  So the story was almost 100%-but missed it on the energy costs.

As long as it got people thinking about how to truly relax at their second home-in a hot tub- I’m happy.

RES EST SERVA VOLUPTAS. Pleasure is serious business.

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