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Hot Tub Ducks are Everywhere!!

September 10, 2009

Did you know that the first rubber duck was invented in the late 19th Century? Made of hard rubber, the original rubber ducky was stiff, solid and made no noise. It was one of a number of rubber toys invented at around the same time, but it proved popular with children, who enjoyed playing with their floating toys at bath time. The humble rubber ducky hit the big time in 1970 when it became the subject of a song from Sesame Street.

Now rubber ducks are everywhere.  Who knew that hot tub ducks where such a big deal on the web?  So many sites devoted to rubber little time. For the real scoop go to  Duck Planet. Duck Planet had a survey on their home page:  “Which do you call it Rubber Ducky? OR Rubber Duckie?”  Nearly 12,000 people have cast their vote on this weighty issue.  81% called it a rubber ducky; 18% Rubber Duckie and the other 1% were undecided.  Now here’s the fun part: What is the plural of Rubber Duck? Rubber Duckys or Rubber Duckies?  Your high school English teacher will be pleased if you selected “Duckies”!

My favorite rubber duck site is DuckiesRule. Set in West Seattle , it’s a website for a garden with themed ducks displayed for all holidays and a newly opened water park with slide for rubber ducks! For sheer perseverance on the duck theme A Duck A Day is the clear winner.  New York based blogger, Molly, posts a duck photo/comment a day. Yes! All for fun & a reminder that rubber ducks are about being light-hearted & taking you back to carefree days of childhood!  Take your favorite duck to your Hot Spring Spa tonight.  And be sure to take your duck on vacation with you and send  the photos of your duck’s travels to Olympic Hot Tub Company!

RES EST SERVA VOLUPTAS. Pleasure is serious business.

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