Hot Tub Duck of the Day
August 14, 2009
I passed my neighborhood Tully’s this morning and already the retirees were having coffee and working sudoku puzzles. I couldn’t resist posting this duck for your hot tub. The pencil is a good idea if you’re new to sudoku. Working (or attempting to work) a sudoku puzzle is a fun thing to do in the hot tub if your mind won’t quiet and you have to keep it active.
Daydreaming is my favorite hot tub activity. With the weekend coming up I’m feeling whimsical and ready to kick back. With this unseasonably cold, rainy weather, my body’s confused, though. Is it summer or not? I’m going to soak in my Hot Spring Spa tonight and ponder this.
What’s your favorite thing to do in the hot tub?
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.