Hot Tub Dry Skin? Itch No More With SilkBalance Watercare!
October 1, 2014
September 30, 2014
Do you suffer from dry skin after hot tubbing? Don’t give up the hot tub! There’s a quick, easy way to have soft, smooth skin after hot tubbing-use SilkBalance!
A recent letter written by a happy SilkBalance user said:
“My husband uses our spa every day. When we first got the spa, I used it often. I stopped using it last year because the chemicals would dry out my skin so badly. SilkBalance sounded too good to be true, but with a money back guarantee, we decided to go for it.
Since then I have been using my spa everyday with my husband knowing the water is fresh and silky smooth. Thanks to SilkBalance, my husband and I can now relax together in our Hot Spring Spa and I don’t even have to put lotion on afterwards.”
This letter sums it up. If you aren’t using SilkBalance, what are you waiting for? It’s easy to sign up for our Home Delivery Service with FREE shipping.
It’s the little things in life that make a BIG difference. Your hot tub should be giving you pleasure not itchy skin!
RES EST SERVA VOLUPTAS as the Romans said it, pleasure is a serious business.
Eliminate Hot Tub Chemicals, Testing, Mixing, Adding. Here’s How: Switch to SilkBalance
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