December 22, 2008
Holiday cheer-that’s tea by the hot tub-brought by our friendly, ready for any weather delivery crew! Want your new hot tub by New Year’s Eve? We’re ready to deliver it for you!
I just got an email from an Olympic Hot Tub customer about hot tubbing in the snow:
We are really enjoying our hot tub. Good way to warm up when it’s so darn cold. (My feet get like ice. Is it because they are so far away from my heart? Do short women have warm feet?)
The first day it snowed – we suited up and headed out to the hot tub. It is such a rush to be in the freezing air one minute and up to your neck in hot water the next!!
We caught our breaths, laid back with the winter sun in our faces, snow glistening on the branches above our heads. Keith turned to me and said “this is the moment hot tub owners look forward to all year. I mean, isn’t this what’s it all about?”
I told him he sounded like a commercial!
But he’s right. No matter how wonderful it is to soak under the stars in the summer or to a chorus of peeper frogs in the spring- the first soak after the first snowfall is magical.
She’s so right about magical. Saturday night my husband and I got in our rooftop Hot Spring Spa as the snow fell.
We live on a steep hill and even at 11PM we could hear people skiing and sledding down the hill laughing all the way. The snow was so wet we had to wear hats-Blair in an old felt cowboy hat I’d had from a costume party years ago; I in a Minne Pearl straw number I use to keep the sun off while gardening. We were a sight.
But the water was heavenly, the snow on the trees magical and we had a wonderful time. What a perfect way to end the day.
Did anyone else take a soak in the snowstorm? I’d love to hear about it. Anyone making snow angels? I was tempted, but didn’t want to give up the enveloping warmth that takes over your body after soaking in the cold. I hear there’s more snow on the way. Stay warm in your hot tubs. And, if you don’t have one yet, you don’t know what you’re missing!