Hot Tub Buyers Guide: Buying at the FAIR May Not Be Fair to You!
September 7, 2012
Fall event is no place to buy a hot tub.
The Puyallup Fair is a great place to take a fun ride, but don’t get taken for a ride at the hot tub sales booths.
You won’t find the world’s No. 1 selling hot tub – Hot Spring Spas – or Olympic Hot Tub amid the cotton candy, roller coasters and prize heifers because we think you deserve a better shopping and buying experience than you’ll get at a fair-any fair.
For one thing, the midway is no place to make an informed decision about a relaxation investment of thousands of dollars to last for years to come. You need to make your decision in peace, and at Olympic we suggest you even schedule a consultation in your own back yard before you take delivery. That’s not going to happen among the carnival barkers.
The invitation to try out the tubs at the fair is a dry run – not that you’d want to strip down to swimsuits there anyway – when what you really need is a “wet test” before you buy. You need to feel the jets and make sure the water depth fits your height and the seating fits your body.
Sales reps at the fair will put on the pressure and close deals as fast as they can to earn their commission and keep your deposit. They’ll try to sell you what’s on hand, and if your order something like a custom color it could take months for delivery. Also, when the “fair” price says 50 percent off, chances are they’re starting with that much of a markup. Anyway, the traveling show leaves with the fair, and probably without a local showroom or anyone to answer questions, much less provide service after the sale.
That’s no way to buy a hot tub.
Take your time when buying a hot tub. Shop slowly and take along these questions to get you started:
1. Do you have a Showroom in my local area? How long have you been in business? How long has the manufacturer been in business?
2. Who do I call for a service or repair issue? Are they local?
3. What is the warranty for this hot tub?
4. What is your cancellation policy? Can I get a refund of my deposit if I change my mind?
5. Where can I read reviews about your company and your hot tubs?
6. What is the typically energy cost for a 6-person hot tub in our area that’s used four or five times a week for 30 minutes at a time?
7. What is the maintenance routine? How long does it take?
8. What are my choices to have chlorine-free or bromine-free water care?
Check out the list of questions we’ve made up for you to take shopping in the Ask Alice section on our website before you go enjoy some elephant ears and midway rides at Puyallup.
Then come to an Olympic Hot Tub showroom for a free test soak, free backyard consultation, and pressure-free information about Hot Spring Spas, the world’s #1 selling hot tub. You won’t find that at the fair. See you soon!
Relax for Life™
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