Hot Tub Bliss Blog Celebrates 4th Anniversary
July 26, 2012
It’s hard to believe it’s been four years of blogging about hot tubs and hot tubbing here on Hot Tub Bliss.
Thanks for all of your comments, suggestions, and encouragement.
I’ve enjoyed writing about all things “hot tub” and “sauna” including hot tub and sauna health benefits, lifestyle, water care and Hot Spring Spas and Finnleo Saunas. The largest response to any post? “More on How to Save the Whales While Soaking In Your Hot Tub”. Most read post: “Public Hot Tubs: What You Must Know Before You Soak”.
I write Hot Tub Bliss is to connect you with all things from “ahhh” to “aHa”. The “ahhhs” are the sounds that escape when you sink into the hot swirling waters after a long day. That hot water is so soothing and healing that letting out a big sigh is the only way to stand the pleasure.
The “aHas”-are those ideas and split-second inspirations that bubble up when you’re relaxed. Inspiration and “brainstorms” have always been an important part of hot tub soaking. The “staycations” you enjoy every day in your own backyard hot tub can bring quiet and sometimes awe inspiring pleasure. So, do share your “aHas!”
And, for fun, tell me about the fabulous vacations you’ve taken with your Olympic Hot Tub rubber duck in hand. Some of your ducks have seen the Seven Wonders of the World, and we have photos from hundreds of exotic places to prove it. Remember to pack a duck in your suitcase and take it along on your next vacation. Place the duck in interesting spots and send the photos to us. We’d love to see how far these ducks travel.
So, chime in and share how your hot tub makes a difference in your health, work, life and lives of your family members. Email photos of your own fabulous tubscape. Recall what happened and how you felt when you finally made your hot tub purchase, perhaps after waiting years to say, “YES.”
With Hot Tub Bliss I want to create hot tub and sauna evangelists all over the world, one soak or sweat at a time. Come on in and visit often.
Comments and suggestions on blog posts and for new blog topics are always welcome.
Our new tagline is “Relax for life” because we believe that relaxation is essential for health and long-life.
5 Ways a Hot Tub Will Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
Top 10 Posts on Hot Tub Bliss for 2011
Hot Tub Bliss: 5 Tips for Setting Up the Perfect Hot Tub Experience