Hot Tub Astronomy
August 11, 2010
Hot tub astronomy is a great thing to do in the summer. Olympic Hot Tub Company customers tell me that it is one of the top benefits of owing a Hot Spring Spa-being out in nature and seeing the stars. So, sit in your hot tub late at night and star gaze. Say a thank you to the weather for cooperating tonight and tomorrow night by giving us clear skies!
Meteors, also popularly called falling stars or shooting stars are chunks of metal or rock from space that collide with Earth’s atmosphere and vaporize as they fall to Earth. Many stargazers and amateur astronomers enjoy meteor watching. What is the best place and time to see meteors?
Stargazers waiting for the best time to observe the 2010 hopefully spectacular Perseid meteor shower should watch it tonight and tomorrow night after midnight.
The Perseid peaks early on the night of August 12, 2010. That means the best chance of seeing Perseid meteors is between midnight and dawn on the mornings of Thursday August 12 and Friday August 13, 2010. The moon will have set after midnight, so the dark sky will allow stargazers to see more meteors. For more details on the 2010 Perseid meteor shower and images of Perseid meteors, click on this link.
To see the Perseid meteor shower, find a dark sky and look to the northeast. no binoculars, telescopes, or other optical aids are needed.
Happy hot tub meteor hunting.
RES EST SERVAS VOLUPTAS. Latin for Pleasure is serious business.
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