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Hot Tub Astronomy: 3 Ways to Enjoy The Night Sky From Your Hot Tub

September 25, 2012

Clear nighttime skies are predicted for the week ahead and possibly longer. What a treat this Indian summer has been.

One of the best things about night hot tubbing is the chance to look up at the stars. Many of our Olympic Hot Tub customers keep telescopes by their Hot Spring Spas to get a magnified view of the heavens. A few minutes spent on the excellent website Astronomy Now will give you an idea of what’s currently going on in the night sky.

Here are 3 astronomy tips on what to watch for as you gaze skyward:

1. The Full Moon. Many of our hot tubbing friends wouldn’t miss basking in a night or two of the full moon from their hot tubs. Check out the Farmer’s Almanac for full moon dates. The harvest moon coming up on September 29th is one of the fullest and brightest to be seen from earth. Don’t miss it.

2. Satellites. Ben & Nadine Benson, Hot Spring Spa owners wrote to their sales person at Olympic, Don Riling, about watching satellites passing overhead, “As we mentioned, here is a web page listing the space station fly over times for our area.  Fun to time hot tub dips around this schedule.”  Thanks for the great suggestion and web link, Ben & Nadine.

Here’s the schedule of sighting times over Seattle.  Get a customized schedule by putting your town in the search box.

3. Meteor Showers.  Many Olympic hot tub owners look forward to seeing meteor showers while hot tubbing. Sitting in your hot tub watching the stars is always enjoyable, but even more enjoyable when you sight falling meteors.  Here are the upcoming dates in 2012 when you’ll be able to get a good look at a meteor shower if the skies are clear: October 8-9; 21-22; November 5-12, 16-18; December 12-14.  Check the website Skyscrapers for more on meteors and pray for clear skies on these important meteor shower dates.

Relax for life. ™


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