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Hot Tub And Share The Sunset With Your Lover Tonight

July 20, 2012

The best place to share the sunset with your lover is from the hot tub, of course!

I’ll bet you didn’t know that July is “share a sunset with your lover month”.   This month long “event” was created to make couples aware of the need to slow down and take time for each other.  Tonight will be ideal. The heat, high cirrus clouds and slight mugginess should generate a beautiful sunset over the Olympics.

Before you head out to watch the sunset together, why not gather some of the finger foods that go well with soaking in your Hot Spring Spa such as sliced turkey, sliced roast beef, cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, shrimp cocktail, some blueberries & strawberries and some bottled water, soda or iced tea. All are available in the produce section or deli case of your local supermarket. Anything that doesn’t require cooking will be welcome!

Sustain your romantic mood while you share a sunset, then twilight, and the appearance of the first stars of the evening, by saying those little words everyone loves to hear, “Let’s go out for dinner”.  Literally. You’ll be outside.

Find some more tips for a romantic evening on our blog post about celebrating the 5 senses in your hot tub.

Exchange neck and shoulder rubs plus foot and hand reflexology with each other to enhance the relaxation. Taking turns helping each other release tension is a great way to prolong the wonderful feeling you’ll have from hot tub soaking!

Thanks to Dr. Melissa Chamberlin for the idea.  Her book, “Share a Sunset with Your Lover” is available through Xlibris.  Dr.  Chamberlin offers practical suggestions for couples NOT therapies. 

Sharing a sunset is a simple yet mindful way to experience closeness that’s sometimes hard and sustain in our too busy over-scheduled world.  After all that’s why you purchased a hot tub, isn’t it?  To get away from it all on a daily basis.

SANUM PER AQUA.  Latin for Health through Water.


What To Do In the Hot Tub? Give Your Partner A Hand Reflexology Massage

Giving Feet or Hand Reflexology Massage In The Hot Tub

Hot Tub on Valentine’s Day How To Create a Memorable Evening


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