Hot Bubbly Cure for the Monday Blues
March 28, 2017
Monday mornings…don’t you just love ‘em? I know, cruel joke. But there is a way you can turn Monday Morning Dread into a welcomed start to your week. Before you head off to work, take an invigorating soak in your hot tub. It’s an attitude adjustment that could buoy you from Monday morning all the way to Friday night.
Here’s the plan:
- Get out of bed earlier than normal…at least (cringe) one half hour. See, that wasn’t so bad.
- Brew a cup of your favorite morning wake-up beverage and make a beeline for your hot tub
- Slip into that bubbly goodness and stay there for at least twenty minutes.
- Sort through your daily and weekly to do lists. You’ll find that soaking time is even better than windshield time when it comes to planning. Enjoy your warm, tantalizing soak, as endorphins are released and night time stiffness fades away.
- Indulge in an extrasensory mini-vacation. Let aromatherapy take you to someplace exotic like “Aloha Paradise” or “City of Love”. Just add SpaZazz Destination Crystals to the spa water and enjoy.
- Get a morning tune up. Add a healing component to your new Monday Morning Ritual and feel better. You can target specific ailments with vitamin- enriched SpaZazz Rx Line
So there you have it. The cure for the Monday blues. You’ll be refreshed, invigorated, focused, and ready for a great day!
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