Help your kids ease into the school year with your hot tub
August 31, 2019
August 30, 2019 – Labor Day weekend?! How can it be? This summer certainly flew by. I just got back from a vacation and hit the ground running. I was in Europe for a couple of weeks. It was a shock to return and realize that fall is just around the corner. And—all the ads on TV heralding back-to-school were in full swing here. I imagine some of you have kids that have already started back to school, while others will see them launch into a new year after the holiday.
If you do have kids, you know how this time of year goes. There is not only school supply and clothes shopping, there may be gadget shopping, uniform purchases, school schedules to tackle for coordination of transportation, sports, hopefully music, and more. Frankly, I don’t know how parents—or kids for that matter!—handle all this nutty stuff at the start of a school year.
One thing is always clear to me: all of this immersion back into old or new school routines is stressful and tiresome for the whole family. It’s not lost on me all the extra stress that kids deal with when a school year resumes.
As you get everyone re-acclimated to school activities, schedules, and homework, I hope that you’ll remember how helpful your hot tub can be at this time of year. The hot tub is a place of rest. Kids go non-stop during the day and that often lasts into the evening with practices and homework. Making the hot tub a place to chill out and decelerate can be an outstanding reward as well as a much-needed slow down. Adrenalin and nerves-a-plenty have been activated throughout the course of a school day. A soak in the tub can help get them relaxed and, more importantly, set them up for a good restful night of sleep. You’ll increase the odds of them awakening rejuvenated and ready to tackle a new day. (Possibly in a better mood too!)
If you have kids who are active in sports, the hot tub can also provide much-needed therapy for achy muscles and joints. Keeping them limber and getting blood circulating is terrific for muscle recovery, and also helps rid your body of any lactic acid buildup. Studies have shown hot tub soaks can help build endurance too, which certainly can’t hurt kids playing football, soccer, basketball, wrestling, or participating in cheerleading, track, cross country…the list goes on.
Hot tubbing is great for the brain! It will help them focus throughout the day, be better equipped for tests and tackling homework. Really, if your kids need a tutor, let the hot tub be the perfect partner to help out their studying and hone their brainpower to achieve anything put before them.
Finally, the hot tub can be the perfect spot to retreat with your kids. It’s a great place to talk about their day, be sure there aren’t any hidden demons plaguing them (school bullying, insecurities, problems with a good friend or a teacher), and give you a chance to listen, reassure and support as needed. It can really be a wonderful way to stay in touch with your kids when the rest of the world takes them away during the day and reaffirm your place in their lives. (That’s 100% good for you, too.)
Best of luck with the launch of a new school year!