Had to cancel a vacation? A hot tub might be the perfect staycation/health-cation!
February 27, 2020
February 27, 2020 – Right around this time each year, Watkins Wellness, the parent company for Hot Spring Spas, usually takes a group of Hot Spring dealers on a wonderful trip as a business thank you when we meet certain sales numbers. With Olympic being one of their top dealers worldwide, I’ve been very fortunate to travel to some terrific locales with them over the years.
I would have just returned from one of those trips with them this past week…except for one looming issue we’re all hearing about right now: COVID-19, the strain of Coronavirus on everyone’s lips and its repercussions. A trip to Cambodia and Vietnam was not deemed safe or wise right now. I for one was relieved the trip was tabled.
As I’ve talked with others about this, I’ve heard countless accounts of folks who had travel planned that has instead been postponed or cancelled. When you are looking so forward to an escape like that, it’s rather deflating when you realize outside forces make it necessary to put that vacation on hold.
You’ve probably heard the term staycation? The term found its way into our vernacular over ten years ago as a means to define a vacation spent at home instead of abroad. If your travel plans have been tabled, perhaps it’s time to think about the ultimate staycation: a hot tub!
A hot tub can be a wonderful way to take those funds you had dedicated to a trip and instead invest it in something that will give back to you every single day for years to come. In my mind, it’s more than just a staycation. It’s a health-cation!
There’s been much research done on the benefits of hot tub soaking. One benefit of hot tubbing regularly is its impact on boosting your immune system. As you soak, your core body temperature is elevated and induces a slight fever response. This type of “fake fever” triggers your body to arm itself against illness.
When you soak, the pores of your skin open, enabling your body to flush any toxins from your system and encourage great blood flow, very much the same way exercise will. Ridding your body of toxins leaves your immune system free to tackle to “ick” we might come in contact with and better defend you from illness.
Another terrific benefit of regular hot tubbing is stress reduction. Enabling your body to relax and rid itself of stress and tension is another way to help boost your immune system. And, by soaking in a hot tub about an hour or so before bed, not only will it melt away the stress of the day, it will also help you get a much better night’s sleep. Studies have shown that sleep is a major factor in keeping your immune system ready to do battle for you when bacteria or a virus comes a-knocking.
If you’ve thought about getting a hot tub but it’s always been something you’ve put on the backburner, I would posit that now more than ever is the right time to invest in one. Outbreaks of viruses, colds, and flu are a part of our lives. Arming yourself with natural ways to combat those villains is more and more important to everyone’s health and well-being. You’ll not just be doing yourself a favor; you’ll be doing everyone you come in contact with on a daily basis a favor too! You’ll be healthier and reduce the likelihood you could pass anything on to anyone else you know.
And—You absolutely should not forget the fabulous staycation benefits of a hot tub! There is nothing better than retreating to your own little hot water heaven every single day. You’ll take in the sky, enjoy the stars, hear the wonderful peaceful sounds of nature, breathe in crisp air, and allow your mind to escape into a mindful state of bliss you’ll not be able to replicate anywhere else. Hot tubbing can take you back to an almost embryonic state. You’ll be immersed in a serene space that will feel like nothing else and revive you.
If you’re ready to invest in the ultimate staycation/health-cation, I hope you’ll visit Olympic and take a test soak in our line of Hot Spring Spas. The chance to immerse yourself will absolutely reaffirm why a hot tub will help transform your life.
Your staycation is waiting for you!