Grandma & Grandpa Say SilkBalance Gives Them Soft Skin After Hot Tub Soaking
October 26, 2009
Here’s an email from “Grizzly”:
My grandma and grandpa bought Silk Balance to help the water be soft on their skin.
They like it and asked me if I would pose for them. Since I am not camera shy, I said yes.
They let me get in the tub with my life jacket on. Grandma has a little duck in the water that we play with. My younger brother and I climb on the hot tub cover when they’re not looking.
You may think my name is funny, but I really am a nice boy.
P.S. Grandma says she bought the spa in 2005 for Grandpa, who has arthritis.
A note from the grandparents:
We really do like the product which we purchased from the Olympic Hot Tub Company Issaquah store.
Mike and Yvonne Setzer
Bellevue, Washington
Thanks for writing, Grizzly. Love your name & love that towel. I’m glad to hear that Grandma & Grandpa are loving SilkBalance and that you are, too. You really are a nice boy. I can tell.
Now that winter’s on the way, it’s time to try SilkBalance in your spa or hot tub. Banish the dry skin blues with the natural sea salts in every bottle of SilkBalance. Not only does it keep the water clean & fresh, there’s no mixing, testing or use of all of those other bottles of chemicals that other systems use. No pH up or down, no calcium increaser or reducer, no alkalinity plus. Only a few ounces of SilkBalance a week and a small amount of sanitizer and that’s it! What are you waiting for? Switch to SilkBalance today!!
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.