Got Milk? Got Silk! SilkBalance Natural Water Care for Hot Tubs and Spas
February 22, 2010
Here’s an email I received yesterday from an Olympic Hot Tub owner and SilkBalance fan:
Hi Alice:
Some say “Got Milk”. We say “Got Silk”. We are on our second Hot Springs hot tub. The first one did not use the Silk Balance program. (That’s because It wasn’t available then) Now, using Silk Balance, we can hot tub each night and not end up with dry, cracked skin.
So, take your choice on how you want to get smooth skin – Got Milk, or Got Silk!
Dennis Fleck, Bellevue, WA 2009 Hot Spring Prodigy Owner
Thanks, Dennis, for writing. Take a tip from a Hot Spring owner and SilkBalance user: you’ll enjoy your tub more and not end up with dry, cracked skin that you’ll spend a fortune to soothe. SilkBalance is “worth every penny” for the convenience and peace of mind. Find our more about SilkBalance. When you take the time time to learn about it, you’ll join the thousands of hot tub owners who’ve made the switch!
. Latin for Health through Water.
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