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Giving Feet or Hand Reflexology Massage in the Hot Tub

November 9, 2009

Foot or hand reflexology is a great thing to do while in your Hot Spring Spa or while taking a sauna. It helps you relax and gives added beneficial massage to parts of the body experiencing extra stress and pain.

A terrific place to learn reflexology is Seattle Reflexology & Massage Center. They’re giving a class for people new to reflexology this coming Saturday designed which will teach basic reflexology techniques that you can use on yourself and your loved ones.

In Improving Your Health with Reflexology, Karen Carey will present reflexology techniques to help you keep well this fall season and beyond.  Utilizing the reflexology map, specific point work and techniques for common ailments, she will give you ideas of how to prolong the effects of your sessions and to help yourself with issues such as sinus congestion, headaches, back pain, TMJ, fatigue, digestive problems, infertility and general stress.

When: Saturday November 14, from 9 am – 1 pm.

Cost: $60/person or $100/couple.  To sign up: Contact Alida at Seattle Reflexology & Massage Center as soon as possible at (206) 284-8389 to register.  Visit their website for more information about classes and reflexology massages.

Highly recommended by Olympic Hot Tub Company staff!!

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.

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